How Medical Bills Are Paid After A Car Accident

how medical bills are paid after a car accident

In the state of Colorado, there are options when it comes to paying for the medical bills resulting from an accident. On most car insurance policies, you have a special provision called “Medpay”, a predetermined amount, $5,000 - $25,000 per accident (depending on your policy) that is used specifically for covering medical bills incurred in an accident.  

It is possible that your policy does not have Medpay or that your Medpay amount was completely used at the hospital. In these situations, at Boulder Sports Chiropractic we use a medical lien to cover your medical costs. A lien is when we agree to wait to be paid until your case is closed. We keep a running total for your treatment and get paid from the at-fault insurance company after treatment is finished. This means you do not have to pay anything from your own pocket.

In most car accidents, there are significant amount of medical bills. If you were to pay the cash rate for treatment, you would need to pay thousands up front and wait to be reimbursed from the car insurance company when your case is closed. It is possible that the case may not be settled for months or even years.  

At Boulder Sports Chiropractic, we use a lien to give you the care you need regardless of your financial situation. We use any technique necessary to get you out of pain, without worry for how much the treatment costs.  

When your case is completed, the insurance company will settle up your bill with our office for the outstanding amount on your file. Boulder Sports Chiropractic is the lien holder. This service is free to use.

If you’ve been in a car accident, contact us today to discuss your symptoms and find out how we can get you out of pain, fast.