Can a Chiropractor Cure Sciatica?

Sciatica is a condition that affects the sciatic nerve, which runs almost the entire length of the bottom portion of the body, from the lower back to the feet. When any part of the nerve becomes compromised, pain may be the result, and that condition is referred to as sciatica. 

The good news is that sciatica can be successfully treated with chiropractic care. Chiropractors understand the relationships between the soft tissues and joints, knowing that when one area of the musculoskeletal system is affected, the integrity of others is often jeopardized due to compensation and pressure. 

In this post, we talk about:

  • How you get sciatica

  • Symptoms of sciatica

  • Tips to avoid sciatica 

  • Chiropractic to end sciatica 

  • And more

Let’s get to it…

Common Reasons You May Experience Sciatica 

Sciatica can affect pretty much anyone living any lifestyle. From sedentary to highly active, your sciatic nerve may be regularly at risk. Knowing how to use your body correctly can help relieve your sciatica discomfort, but in some cases, the condition isn’t so easy to avoid.

What causes sciatica:

  • Trauma such as a sports accident

  • Weight gain and pregnancy

  • Poor posture

  • Improper habitual movement patterns

  • Overuse of specific tissues and joints due to sports, exercise, and occupation

  • Conditions such as herniated disc, arthritis, hip tendinitis, and bursitis 

Sciatica pain can occur from irritation, inflammation, pinching, or compression of a nerve in the lower back or anywhere along the sciatic nerve; this typically happens because of an imbalance that impacts the nerve’s surrounding soft tissues, leading to undue pressure placed upon the nerve.

Common sciatica symptoms that usually only involve one side of the body include:

  • Various degrees of pain along the nerve’s pathway, from dull aching to intense burning sensations

  • Pain that worsens after sitting for long periods

  • Radiating pain from the lower back through the buttock and down through the back of the calf

  • Numbness, tingling, and weakness in the leg or foot

  • Weakness when bending the knee

  • Foot and ankle stiffness and loss of range of motion

Sciatica symptoms range, but even if yours are minor, it’s always best to listen to your body and get the help it’s asking for at first signs of discomfort. 

How to Help Prevent Sciatica 

Proactive care is the most responsible care. While it can’t guarantee you never feel aches and pains, it can significantly reduce the risk of injuries to the spine, joints, and soft tissues that lead to sciatica. 

Tips to help prevent sciatica include:

  • Correct your posture while standing, sitting, and sleeping to reduce pressure placed on the lower back

  • Get regular exercise and stretch your body to enhance flexibility which is essential for proper movement and strength 

  • Practice a healthy lifestyle- get plenty of sleep, stay within your weight guidelines, reduce alcohol intake, don’t smoke, manage your stress 

  • Avoid long periods of inactivity; if your job or lifestyle requires a lot of sitting, take stretching and movement breaks every 30 minutes

  • Before physical activity, warm up to prepare your tissues and joints, and after, cool down to allow them to recover safely 

  • Practice correct lifting techniques and movement patterns

  • Get chiropractic help before, during, and after pain arises 

Chiropractic Solutions to Heal Sciatica

Chiropractic services offer a comprehensive approach to care. Determining how each part of the body functions provides invaluable insight into how to best treat your injury. 

Common chiropractic methods to successfully treat sciatica include:

These in-clinic solutions will complement take-home guidance on everything from posture to exercise to lifestyle choices, so you have the tools to help keep your body healthy now and well into the future. 

Visit Our Boulder Chiropractic Clinic for Sciatica Care

Sciatica is easily treatable with the right chiropractic strategy. And even better, most patients find fast, effective relief after just one session of our safe, non-invasive solutions. We know you want to move freely, without pain; let us help you get there. 

Our Boulder sports chiropractic team is prepared to design a plan unique to your needs and goals. Contact our sciatica chiropractor today.