Chiropractic Adjustment Pregnancy - Chiropractor for Pregnant Women

Pregnancy-Related Low Back Pain

How We Treat Low Back Pain Caused by Pregnancy

During pregnancy, many physiological changes take place to help create a favorable environment for the baby to grow. As the fetus becomes larger throughout the pregnancy, the mother's center of gravity is moved forward away from the spine, resulting in changes to her pelvic and lumbar alignment. These changes in the body's biomechanics can cause increased tension on the lumbar discs, muscles, and joints of the spine resulting in low back pain. 

The mother's body also releases hormones to reduce ligament tension in and around the pelvis, causing laxity in the ligaments surrounding her joints. This laxity can lead to changes in joint position or motion in the pelvis and lower back.  Maintaining proper joint motion throughout the body during both pregnancy and post-pregnancy can help reduce labor time and decrease the potential for future injury and low back pain.

Typical treatment of pregnancy-related low back pain involves manual therapy (Active Release Technique and massage) to the muscles of the hips and lower back, gentle chiropractic adjustments to restore proper alignment, focused stretches and physical therapy to address core, hip, low back weakness. Focusing on strengthening in and around the core can help to prevent pregnancy-related injuries such as diastasis.

If you are pre or postpartum struggling with discomfort or pain or would like to make sure you are maintaining proper pelvic alignment throughout your journey to motherhood, click below to schedule an appointment today.